Jason's Story
Jason's life long battle
Jason was labelled with Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD and OCD from the age of 14 till the age of 44; he used alcohol and cigarettes in an attempt to escape the pain.
These methods kept him in the very pain he was trying to get relief from for 4 decades.
During this time Jason had several attempts at taking his own life resulting in hospital and psych ward stays.
After making small changes and practicing healthy lifestyle choices, he was able to get relief from his pain and wanted to share his experiences in the hope to help others to relieve their pain and live better lives.

Together with his wife Kerry they started a support group in 2018 with the aim of sharing their story to help those living with mental health challenges and those supporting them find a way through the darkness and that anyone can live a happy fulfilled life
After holding a monthly support group for 2 years they both realised along with the people that attended that more was needed for the community and something had to be done.
They opened up the Bettermentall Together Health & Wellbeing hub in January 2021 to provide a safe, non-judgemental space for people to come in and talk and to feel heard.
Through their own lived experience and Kerry’s extensive training and education they want to encourage people to speak about mental health in the same light as they would their physical health and get the help and support to start their own journey to wellness.
The Hub provides a space to empower people, educate, break down stigmas and to support people to believe in themselves, find inner peace and self-worth and start living in sync with who they are designed to be.