Support Bettermentall
Help us to help others
Any donation or support you give to Bettermentall in turn goes on to help others greatly in need of support and assistance, and every dollar counts.
Click the links below to either get in touch or make a donation directly to our GoFundMe, or continue reading to learn other ways that you can support the hard work we do!

Ways to support Bettermentall
Make a donation to our GoFundMe
The quickest and easiest way to support Bettermentall is to make a donation to the GoFundMe, the money from which goes toward covering the rent and bills to keep the Trafalgar Hub open. This makes it easier for those who want to support Bettermentall, but can't afford to sponsor a run or an event.
Become a Sponsor
If you're interested in sponsorship of the Bettermentall cause in anyway, click the link below to send us an email, and we can let you know what sponsorship options we have available.
Donate in Person
Come and see us at the Bettermentall Hub in Trafalgar, and discuss making a donation. We're only able to operate thanks to the support of the people within the community who put faith in what we do, and would love it if you were able to help us continue doing the valuable work we do.
Patreon Membership
Become a member and gain access to workshops facilitated by Bettermentall, events, guest speakers and wellbeing sessions.
Our Sponsors